Veinlite NEO Vein Finder
, IN/965
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Finding and accessing veins and arteries on neonates has never been easier!
Veinlite NEO Vein Finder is a revolutionary new transillumination device designed to detect both veins and arteries in neonates. Veinlite NEO’s new form factor makes it easy, convenient and readily available for assisting with venous and arterial access in neonatal pediatric patients. This device features 3 different colored lights: green for arteries, orange for vein imaging, and a white exam light.
- Only device on the market for arterial sticks
- New, compact form factor
- 3 light colors and 3 levels of brightness
- Through-the-body transillumination
- Auto shut-off timer
- Lanyard-ready plastic cap
- AAA 1.5v battery
- 50 disposable plastic covers
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