Transit Wheelchair Fixed 091463108
, CH/055
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Wheelchair - Economy Transit Chair
This wheelchair has a sturdy chrome-plated steel frame with stainless steel skirt guards. The seat fabric wipes clean. Enjoy adjustable leg rests and moulded arm rests for extra comfort. The wheelchair folds up so you can put it in the boot of your car or in a closet for storage. Push to lock brakes keep the chair securely in place for safety. There’s even an optional adjustable I.V. pole, in case you need the wheelchair to hold I.V. bags.
Overall Specifications
- Overall height: 91 cm (36")
- Overall width: 63½ cm (25")
- Overall depth: 107 cm (42")
- Weight: 21kg (3 st)
Additional Dimensions
- Front wheel: 20 cm (8")
- Rear wheel: 30 cm (12")
- Tyres Front: 124"
- Seat height: 51 cm (20")
- Seat width: 45 cm (18")
- Seat depth: 40 cm (16")
- Leg rest adjustment: 40 - 53 cm (16” - 21")
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