Virkon Powder - 5KG Drum - (Broad Spectrum Disinfectant)
, CL/452
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VIRKON can reduce the germs that cause infection on surfaces in industrial and commercial applications. VIRKON when mixed with water, causes a chemical reaction. The patented VIRKON composition works by oxidative destruction of microorganisms providing exceptional performance against a broad spectrum of virus, bacteria and fungi.
- Effective against a wide range of bacteria, virus and fungi including: Streptococcus pyogenes, Campylobacter pyloridis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia Coli, Salmonella Typhimurium and many more.
- Distributed in over 80 countries worldwide and has been tested by independent laboratories for efficacy against over 580 different microorganisms from 21 virus families including Hepatitis A, B & C, 43 bacterial genera and 27 fungal genera.
- Active ingredient Potassium Peroxymonosulfate.
- Cleans and disinfects in one step - No need to pre clean.
- When mixed with water - working solution is stable for 5 days.
- Used in Hospitals, Medical Facilities, Nursing Homes and Dental Offices, Health Care Facilities, Restaurants, Food Processing Plants, Restrooms and more...
- Virkon can be dispensed with a Mister, Spray Bottle, Foaming Machine, Sponge, Mop, Brush, Power Sprayer and Pump Sprayers.
When preparing a 1% solution combine...
10g Rely+On Virkon + 1 Litre Water
50g Rely+On Virkon + 5 Litre Water
100g Rely+On Virkon + 10 Litre Water
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