Doherty Adjustable Electric Patient Treatment Chair/Couch
, FU/103
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The new Doherty Treatment Chair has been developed specifically for many applications throughout the modern GP practice, Treatment Room and Hospital environment.
- Electrically operated variable height range
- Electric handset control for height adjustment
- Easy lift gas assisted backrest and foot section
- Maximum user weight 160kgs (25 stone)
- Dual sided operation
- Distinctive Doherty style upholstery with rounded corners for hygiene and cleanliness
- Twin retractable castors for ease of movement
- Simple levelling mechanism for uneven floors
- Attractive white epoxy coating with Biocote
- Delivered fully assembled
- Available in Apple Green Colour
- 3 year warranty for peace of mind (1st year parts and labour, 2 further years parts only)
- Dimensions:
- 57cm x 99cm (H) x 69cm (W) (excluding arms) x 183cm (L) (maximum in plinth format)
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