BS 8599-1:2019 Compliant Workplace First Aid Kit Refill - Critical Injury
, FA/1017-2019
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The BS 8599-1:2019 Critical Injury Kit can provide immediate life-saving intervention to critically injured casualties in a range of high-risk environments.
This compact and portable kit is designed for personal issue or for positioning in accessible areas of high-risk environments. This allows for both mass casualty distribution of a personal treatment kit and for personal issue to arrest catastrophic or serious haemorrhage in a high risk environment, before the arrival of the emergency services.
Refill Kit Contains:
- 1 x General First Aid Guidance Card
- 2 x Purple Nitrile Examination Gloves - Large (Pair)
- 1 x Foil Emergency Blanket - Silver - Adult
- 1 x Tuf Cut Heavy Duty Shears
- 2 x T6 Trauma Wound Dressing 15cm x 18cm
- 2 x Celox Rapid Haemostatic Gauze - Z Fold 7.5cm x 152cm
- 1 x Combat Application Tourniquet
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