Sharps Disposal and Body Fluid Spillage Kit
, CL/046
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The Response combination kit offers the benefits of both a body fluid kit and a sharps disposal kit to effectively handle both types of hazards.
It has been designed for situations where an individual is required to clean up both hazardous sharps and body fluids to reduce the risk of cross infection & cross contamination.
- Essential for the potentially hazardous task of sharps disposal
- Safely disposes of needles, syringes, blades and other potentially infected sharps
- Supplied with a disinfectant Spray
- Carry case dimensions: 35 x 25.5 x 9cm
Kit Contains:
- 1 x Carry Case - Orange
- 1 x Disinfectant Trigger Spray - 500ml
- 1 x Superabsorbent Powder - 100g
- 5 x Clean up packs containing:
- 1 x Gloves (Large)
- 1 x Apron
- 1 x Polypropylene Scoop
- 1 x Biohazard Bag
- 1 x Disinfectant Wipe
- 2 x Non-woven wipes
- 2 x Sharps disposal kits
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