Spectra Workplace First Aid System
, FA/345
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The new Spectra First Aid Systems are the perfect solution to meeting your first aid demands. Pick and choose the systems you require and create a system that suits you.
The Spectra Workplace First Aid System is compliant with the latest BSI Workplace Standards. This wall mounted system is made up of a panel with guidance information and two kits
- Wall mounted for easy access to kits
- Dimensions: 75 x 34.7 x 10.5cm
The Spectra Workplace First Aid System contains:
1 x Spectra panel
1 x Accident book
1 x Workplace system guidance sign
1 x Washproof Plaster Kit:
- 200 x Assorted Washproof Plasters
1 x Medium BS8599-1 Workplace First Aid Kit:
- 60 x Washproof Assorted Plasters
- 30 x Cleansing Wipes
- 12 x Safety Pins
- 9 x Pairs of Gloves
- 6 x Medium HSE Dressings - 12cm x 12cm
- 3 x Triangular Bandages
- 3 x Eye Pad Dressings
- 3 x Finger Dressings
- 2 x Conforming Bandages - 7.5cm x 4m
- 2 x Burn Dressings - 10cm x 10cm
- 2 x Large HSE Dressings - 18cm x 18cm
- 2 x Foil Blankets - Adult
- 1 x Guidance Leaflet
- 1 x Resuscitation Face Shield
- 1 x TufCut Shears - Black
- 1 x Microporous Tape - 2.5cm x 5m
Brand | Reliance |
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